Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth

We've been spoiled the last couple years with a lot of holidays falling on Mondays, Fridays, and weekends proper, giving us natural three to four day weekends.  Today we get the Fourth of July on a Wednesday, breaking the week into even halves, neither of which will prove productive for office drones (such as myself).  Could be worse, I suppose.  Christmas this year will be on a Tuesday, forcing many to take Christmas Eve with their earned time off, or otherwise go in and pretend to work while their minds swim in the void that stands between a not so regular weekend and Christmas Day.  That''ll be worse than this.  Even so, this midweek holiday is hardly ideal.

Personally, I'm with Mike and Mike's idea of treating the Fourth like we do Thanksgiving--give us the first Thursday of July and let American commercialism create a de facto holiday on that Friday--"Trade-In Old Grill Friday."  Yes, it doesn't make as much sense with the Fourth, since the Fourth represents an anniversary/birthday that we can mark on the calendar, while the exact date of the first Thanksgiving is muddier in large part because there was no single Original Thanksgiving.  But people do often push birthday celebrations to the nearest weekend for similar reasons: doing it during the week doesn't work as well.  And the food hangover that Black Friday is supposed to help with?  You mean to tell me that we couldn't use the same for our sun-baked barbecue/beer hangovers, made worse by a late night drive home from the fireworks display? 

Anyway, just a thought.  Happy Fourth, everybody.

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