Friday, July 27, 2012

Flowers for Mittens (UK edition)

What the hell is wrong with you, Mittens?  And where are your handlers?  It's one thing to write something stupid like this in your book just because you never had to win Britain (much as Cameron never has to win Utah).  It's entirely another to run over there and insult them and make a general ass of yourself because... why, again?  Are their trees not the right height?  Are their national hymns harder to sing?  And not even getting a country's name right, by the way, earns you your "worse than Palin" status.

But you couldn't stick to your guns on any of that: you had to flip-flop... again... and give under-stimulated commentators like me yet more ammunition.

This, Mittens.  This is why Obama has to "apologize" for America.  Because of morons like you.

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