Monday, April 23, 2012

Buy My Book

Nos Populus now has a Facebook page, because that's how you know something is prestigious.  So go there and "like" it, if you did.  Or, better yet, tell people you liked it.  You remember when we used to do that?  ...Yeah, me neither. 

I've also gotten some people (okay, two people) asking if I have any special deals or further promotional activity planned.  As far as deals go, yes, at some point in the near future you can expect a limited hyper-cheap sale on the Kindle version, as soon as Amazon allows.  I'll let you know when that happens.

As for promotion, yes, it's coming.  Soon.  I hope.  I'm kicking around some ideas, both for online promotion (my Twitter is @IRobertsWriter, by the way) and the real world.  Much of the problem is that I have other demands--including a stupidly busy work schedule, another book in the works (early stages, will probably discuss it here some over the next few months), and, most importantly, a wedding to plan.  A wedding that's now about a month out.  My fiancee--who is working full time and attending grad school--is a much better person than I am and has taken on the great brunt of the planning, while I have often preferred to hide under a pile of coats.  But at this stage, we're both having to batten down against the maelstrom of often arcane details (and once it's done, those will be more than worthy of a post of their own) and is is time- and energy-consuming.  I'll try not to interrupt posts here on THDS too much over the next month, but no promises from now through the end of May. 

The point is, I'm one person without a publisher or agent and no real experience at this kind of thing.  I'll be up and running some more come the summer, but in the meantime, check out the excerpts I've posted.  And if you liked Nos Populus, please, get the word out. 

More real posts to come.

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