Friday, August 10, 2012

Half-Drunken Blog Love

This post is just a blogger expressing his platonic love for some other bloggers.  Ain't nothin' wrong with that.

The Rude Pundit has been running one of the web's best liberal blogs for nearly nine years now.  His was the first blog I read even semi-regularly.  Somewhere in an alternate universe, where I'm a much more talented blogger, I'm still not as good as him.  His recent post about Mittens' campaign contains one of the most apt descriptions of the man's baffling lack of person-ability I've ever read:
Mitt Romney is not only not someone you'd want to have a beer with, but he's someone who, given the right circumstances and the right bar, you'd want to punch in the nose for being such a self-righteous cock.
The Doorman is one I've come across more recently, when he friended me on Facebook and started following me on Twitter as a kind of comedian-networking thing.  Not the sort of thing I usually go in for, but his work is funny and insightful enough (not to mention focused--what I would give for that kind of a consistency to my topics) to make it worth my while not to decline.  Declining a friend request, by the way, is a completely acceptable response to getting such a request from someone you don't know (wanting to decline someone you do know is another matter entirely).  This is not what someone recently did to the Doorman, who has now been blocked from friending anyone for thirty days.  So, you know: fuck you, guy who ratted to Zuckerberg. 

While I'm throwing blogs at you, you've probably seen Glove and Boots.  It's mostly dedicated to hyping their videos, so cut out the middle man and check out their YouTube page.  G+B is basically what Jim Henson would've been if he'd had the nerve to be balls-to-the-wall funny instead of safe and politely funny.  

Lastly, a friend of mine bakes some pretty goddamn delicious desserts--particularly the truffles.  She blogs about said desserts here sometimes. What's that, you think that truffles are gay?  First: no, in point of fact, they're not.  Second, even if they could be, so what?  They taste great.  Third: fuck you again, guy who I can only assume is the same douche who ratted on the Doorman.  Really, who else would be such a douche?  

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