Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Quick, Stupid Thought

How well do you think a baldly cynical presidential candidate could do if they changed their name to "America?"  You know, the kind of person who thinks far enough in advance that he'd do it some time in his twenties (I went to school with such people--they exist).  Think of the slogans:

"America 2012."   

"Americans For America."

"Vote America!" (the brazen disregard for punctuation would probably generate enough Internet chatter to warrant a full media cycle of talk by pundits, who would then declare that America had just won the media cycle)

"Be pro-America." 

"Don't be anti-America." (seriously, how would the opposing candidate attack--or even present a simple opposing view--without opening him/herself up to accusations of being "anti-America?")

"Help Defend America." (when the scandals hit).

Even someone who did it just prior to entering the race (basically advertising the cynicism in big, neon lights) would surely benefit a little from the confusion in the voting booth when people see "America" on the ballot.  I'm not saying someone named "America" would have the election in the bag, but it's gotta strip off a few percentage points.

And given the escalation of cynical stunts the last few election cycles, I'm thinking this will be a logical step at some point.

Decision 2028: America (D) vs. America (R) 

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