Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zombie Mascots and Rainbow Dragons

Despite the best efforts of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, I am back in the States. Now, I normally don't like to indulge in these look-at-what-I-did shenanigans, but I want to highlight a couple of things that caught my eye while strolling the motherland of pale, drunk gingers. 

I wrote about the Easter Rising briefly in Nos Populus, so I couldn't not include this. Relatedly: as we passed through Heathrow, we told British customs that we'd be continuing on to Ireland before returning to the UK. The guy asks us if we were going to "Northern Ireland" or "Southern Ireland." I just figured the guy was so retro that he refused to recognize an independent Hibernia. 

Zombie Uncle Pennybags, spotted somewhere in Dublin's Old City, a ways west of Temple Bar.

Edinburgh, Scotland. Probably the most gorgeous city on the planet...

...which happens to to be home to arguably the ugliest building on the planet. See more here.

Found this guy in Chinatown in London. The wife was fairly sure that he was going to climb through our hotel window one night. The hotel was some two miles away... and yet that still seemed plausible.

A short walk from Puff up there, I found myself in a pub near Covent Garden, where I got mistaken for a local a couple of times. It was probably the beer in my hand in the middle of the day, but I took the compliment. There's magic in sipping a local craft beer outside on a calm, clear 68ยบ day, not a care about work or bills or laundry. As my wife returned from some light shopping in the market, she found me standing outside a pub with my third beer of the day in my hand, and opined that "this would be so sketchy in the States." And that, dear readers, is why we do drinking wrong.

Good to be back, I suppose.

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